As with all Christians, we are followers of Jesus of Nazareth. We believe that God made us to be in a relationship with Him. However, humans have broken that relationship by the things that we do, say and think that are wrong. We call this sin. It is by putting their faith in Jesus, believing in His death and resurrection and turning away from this sin, that people can be made right with God.
Tullamore Presbyterian Church exists to tell people the Good News of God’s love for them. We support people on their journey of faith, at whatever stage they are at.
Presbyterianism places a strong emphasis on the Bible as God’s word. It is every person’s right and duty to read God’s Word and learn from it what God’s will is for their lives. Therefore, reading the Bible and hearing it preached is central to our Sunday worship. We also encourage Bible study- together and individually.
Locally, we also place a very strong emphasis on living out our faith in love and service to the community. Each member of the congregation is encouraged to serve God in the places where he has put us. As Jesus says, “Let your light shine before people that they will see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven.”
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