About The Group
Busy Bees Parents and Toddlers group is on Tuesdays from 10 am-12 noon during term-time. Please get in touch if you are unsure of holiday dates.
Click here to view a calendar showing what is on, and when we are closed.
You can view our Facebook page to see what’s currently going on in the group.
We meet in Tullamore Presbyterian Church. The cost is €3 per session, per family.
It is run by volunteer mums and dads and is for everyone looking after young children and babies at home: mums, dads, grandparents and childminders. All children from tiny babies to pre-schoolers are welcome.
The group started in February 2009 and on average welcomes 30-40 children each week with their carers to enjoy play and socialising in a friendly environment.

What we Provide
A safe & stimulating place where children and their carers can come once a week to make friends and have a good time.
We have a large range of toys and games available. This includes safe space for babies, jigsaws and books, blocks and trains, climbing and rocking toys as well as crafts and make-believe play.
Messy Activities are available from 10am-11am, including sand, water, playdough, painting and craft activities.

Snacktime for children and parents is at 11am, and music time and story-telling are after the snack.
Children are welcome to join in, or do their own thing!
There is a microwave, and kettles are available if you need to reheat food or milk. You are welcome to breastfeed. Please ask for help if you need it.
Where are we?
Between the Town Centre and the Town Park! On-street and off-street parking nearby.
Tullamore Presbyterian Church
High Street
County Offaly
R35 XY92
Want to get in touch?
Please phone or email for further information.
Chairperson: Rhona Hayes
057 9360320 or 085 143 5801
Like some printed information?
You can download our information leaflet:
Help us to help you!
We rely on parents and members to help with the running of the group. If you can volunteer to do a job, however small, please let one of the committee know!
You are responsible for your child(ren) at all times while at Busy Bees. Please supervise them and don’t leave them unattended.